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Black Maternal Health Equity & Cultural Competency Program Initiative

SIGN UP & JOIN US in creating solutions to increase social-cultural competency, impact and expand Black Maternal Health Equity awareness, BIRTHING JUSTICE is furthering the discussions by offering two specialized Birthing Justice clinician videos (13min.) for furthering excellence to improve the quality of care for Black and Brown birthing mothers, their babies and the healthcare structures and systems that determine their mortality.

With your participation, we plan to transform the culture of care and medical treatment for Black and Brown women where America’s medical inequities have turned giving birth into a battlefield for too many women and their babies.


Participant Details

Social Media Handles


  1. DELIVERY: Licensor shall provide a downloadable link to the two specialized 13 minute Birthing Justice clinician documentary videos for classroom curriculums, trainings, public health organizations, providers and human resources screening use.
  2. LICENSE FEE: All fees for this initiative waived. No fee license. Delivery downloadable only for the direct usage of the agreed upon Participant(s).
  3. OWNERSHIP: Licensee (Women In the Room Productions) is granted no rights to the ownership of the Documentary or any materials contained on the link of the Documentary whatsoever. Licensee is granted no rights to modify or use any of the materials contained on the link or any trademarks or other intellectual property rights with respect to the Documentary or link, except as specifically set forth in this Agreement. Licensee is not authorized to reproduce the copyrighted work or any intellectual property rights in and to the trademarks of the Documentary or link in any manner nor to prepare derivative works based on the Documentary videos or link. Licensee will not knowingly, nor will it encourage or assist a third party to challenge the validity or ownership of any copyright, trademark or other intellectual property right of Licensor of any of its affiliates. Licensee will not utilize the trademarks or copyright–protected materials of Licensor or any of its affiliates in any manner that would diminish its value or harm the reputation of Licensor.
  4. By accepting delivery of the Film via a link from Licensor, the Licensee acknowledges that it has read this contract, understood its terms, and has voluntarily accepted its provisions.